SwiftSel Sales & Marketing QA Services

Our Quality Assurance for Complex Sales & Marketing Process Programs

Our QA for complex sales & market processes are based on our SwiftSel RAD Techniques. What are these techniques, & just what has this to do with landing the big fish accounts or even small accounts?

Geometry_4_by_Merlin2525These are a series of integrated techniques that we have found helpful over the years, & have powered our successes with many clients.

You Can Cut Costs & Target Better:The most expensive thing you can do, is fail to recognize the opportunities around you, & fall into accounts that are not as productive. Cost-effectively we can help you to better overcome this, progressively, in an ongoing process of continuous improvement. This is like a positive lifestyle change for a company.

The point is to stop accepting the grief & uncertainty of not knowing what to do next. And, start targeting more strategically based on real-world knowledge with strong help & facilitation today.

Don’t Just Accept An Alledged 99% Sales & Marketing Defect Ratio:

If as some suggest one in ten of those you speak to are prospects, & one in ten of those are sales, (many attribute this heuristic to IBM) then only one per cent of your sales & marketing work is worth money.

Don’t just accept a 99% defect ratio for all your hard earned sales & marketing efforts. With only marginal improvements in quality this can signifigantly affect your bottom line.

If you only take in one percent efficiencies now, & we are not saying that it is that high or low, then imagine what just a very little less defect ratio might do for your revenue streams.

It seems that the old saying that “The truth shall set you free” really is true. This is about leveraging field based knowledge in fundamentally new & potentially quite useful ways.

inservice_presentation_01An Ongoing Sales & Marketing Process Of Continuous Improvements:

This is not about recognizing burrs on metal. This is about your sales & marketing process & helping it to be more worthwhile, as you can, progressively.

How Much Can You Actually Quality Assure A Sales & Marketing Process:

Doing nothing assures that your results are not setup for the most predictable results. Even modest gains, as shown above, can many times be quite signifigant. It depends on a lot of factors, including how you use this derived knowledge, changing market conditions & many other things.

Therefore, this is most often a complex & constantly experimental area.

However, by initiating a process of continuous improvement in your sales & marketing processes, one thing becomes very clear. Leveraging your field results in a highly facilitated way, even with modest gains against defect ratios, can be far superior to simply winging it, & not really understanding the nature of what is going on.

With serious techniques to test & study your market, in your complex selling situations this can only be a good thing, if applied properly. And, having trained facilitators to help you & your team bring this about can be quite helpful. This is a good alternative instead just trying to do your own R&D & essentially starting from scratch. Bare metal scratch projects can have serious costs & not be nearly as convenient or timely to bring this kind of thing to fruitition, if you actually manage to succeed, depending on the capablities of your team.

Instead of just trying to do it yourself, let our trained facilitators assist you to have a better chance of succeeding.

Please also realize that this is a serious & complex selling based set of capabilities. This is not designed to be useful for simple commodity based selling environments.

The General Idea:

We can help you & your team, recognize the repeating scenarios of sales process symptoms positive & negative as facilitated & collected from your team. Then we document them, utilizing our unique understanding of market sell cycle symptoms.

This involves both the documented real-time & accumulated, field-based deep client reaction understanding from your actual sales & marketing processes, that we help to facilitate, & our knowledge based recognition & retention techniques of SwiftSel. Couple this with our proven field based understanding of market reactions over the years, & you can have a fertile ground upon which to progress.

Then, with both qualitative & quantiative means, (deductively, & statistically with serious professionals assisting), we can cost-effectively come to an improved understanding of the business rules that can easily not only influence your markets, but can actually quite often even better reveal them.

Compress Your Sell Cycle & Get Down Cycle Fast:

Spend less time on marginal accounts, & focus on the accounts that show signs of being more positive for your bottom line. Don’t waste as much time, money & energy on accounts that show symptoms of not moving forward. Discover which accounts that do have more potential & really give them, a much better chance to be won by putting your focus on them.

Target for better accounts in the first place.

Better Avoid The Trap Of False Positive Findings:

Obviously, there are many chances for false positives, & wrong intuitive findings in counter-intuitive complex environments. We can help you to better recognize what is going on, & more predictably improve your sales & marketing processes, as result.

Please Call, Now:

Please call, now, today, at: (416) 362-1963 to discuss how our unique blend of understanding, experience, knowledge, & automation capabliities that can help you to better power your sales & marketing cycles.